Dry eyes can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, especially at night when it can make it difficult to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed. There are a few steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes and help get a good night’s sleep.

Causes and solution of dry eyes at night
Blink frequently: Blinking helps to distribute natural tears and can help prevent dry eyes. Try to consciously blink more often during the day, and especially before bed.
Take breaks from screens: if you spending long periods of time looking at a computer screen or other digital device can lead to eye strain and dryness. Follow 20-20-20 rule. Which say, every 20 minutes of work take break for 20 sec and look something which is 20 feet far away from eyes.
Avoid sleeping with your eyes open: This may sound strange, but some people have a tendency to sleep with their eyes partially open, which can lead to dry eyes. Do visit an eye doctor or optometrist if you sleep with partially open eyes. Try taping your eyes shut with surgical tape to help keep them closed during the night.
Use artificial tears: Artificial tears can help to keep your eyes lubricated and can be especially helpful at night. Talk to your eye doctor or optometrist about lubricating eye drop will be beneficial to you.
Wear glasses: Contact lens can also cause dry eye. If you wear contact lenses for more than 6-8h per day, talk to your optometrist about new contact lens materials which allow you to wear your contact lenses for long hours without causing dry eyes or consider switching to glasses after 6-8h to give your eyes a break from the lenses and the associated solutions.
Change your sleeping position: If you sleep on your stomach or with your face pressed against a pillow, the air can be prevented from circulating around your eyes, leading to dryness. Try sleeping on your back to help prevent this.
Use a humidifier: Use of AC causes decrease in humidity with can cause dryness. A humidifier along with AC can add moisture to the air and help keep your eyes from drying out during the night.
Dry eyes can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, especially at night. By blinking frequently, taking breaks from screens, avoiding sleeping with your eyes open, using artificial tears, wearing glasses, a humidifier, and changing your sleeping position, you can help alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes and get a good night’s sleep.
Lecturer (Nethradhama School of Optometry)